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The Regional Agricultural Research Station at Ambalavayal coordinates and provides research support for Agriculture in the High Range zone (Wayanad and Idukki districts and Nelliyampathy area of Palakkad district). The scientists of this station would work with selected villages to understand of farmers' constraints and reactions towards adopting the recommended practices.  Multi locational testing and evaluation trials in farmers field under different soil types and climatic conditions to validate the research results prior to inclusion in package of practice recommendation

The research programs of the institute (both institute and externally funded) are carried out under various projects, which are time bound, and with specific objectives:

  • To undertake basic strategic applied thrust areas of research horticultural crops
  • To act as a lead centre for scientific information and to co-ordinate farmers problem solving issues
  • To introduce new technologies for increasing the productivity of the crops
  • To act as a centre for training the farmers and extension functionaries
  • To provide consultancy service on crop management and crop protection
  • Breeding and evaluation of new crop varieties and hybrids suitable to Wayanad
  • Development of agro – techniques for agricultural and horticultural crop and cropping systems
  • Evolving models for water, nutrient, weed, pest and disease management
  • To produce high quality disease free planting materials
  • To evolve new technologies to enhance yield and quality in horticultural crops
  • Standardization of quality seed production technologies and storage techniques
  • Evolve and Popularization of new technologies through trainings and mass media